Apple iphone Report

Apple iPhone Report

Saturday, January 13, 2007

iPhone news release boosts stock price to all time high, amid federal investigation

As federal investigators continue to probe Apple for possible accounting fraud, stocks reach an all time high with the news of Apple's newest hand held device dubbed the "iPhone".

"Apple's stock has been trading at all-time highs this week after Jobs unveiled one of the company's most important products in years -- the iPhone."

As for possible fraud federal officials are now looking into Grant money CEO of Apple Steve Jobs received as well as a recentyl filed lawsuit pertaining to the trademark over the "iphone".

"Jobs' dramatic introduction of the multimedia gadget led to a federal trademark-infringement lawsuit from Cisco Systems Inc., which has owned the trademark on the name "iPhone" since 2000 and began shipping its own line of iPhone-branded Internet-enabled phones in spring of 2006."

While it's yet to be determined how the federal investigation and iphone lawsuit will all play out, but one thing is for sure, regardless of the outcome i still want an iPhone.

Read the full news article here.


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